5 strategies to make money without money 2023 in Mexico

Money is important

Before I share with you five strategies to make money without money (yes, it looks like clickbait, but it’s not), I want to emphasize the simple fact, understand money is important. This will sound quite absurd, but I want you to understand that money is as important as breathing, if you don’t have the same urgency, you will hardly make money. Regardless of whether you are a dreamer, have interesting goals or hobbies, money will allow you to have a better education, better health, better security, wow, your quality of life will undoubtedly increase.
As a controversial speaker said, “First make money, then do what you want to do” They are sad.
Here are five alternatives, a brief introduction for you on your own to look for more information about it.

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Probably the easiest way to make money, basically you find a product or service from a company, and you will offer to sell it in exchange for a certain commission, in general, most businesses will accept it, however there are some tips you should consider. In most cases there will be no contract involved, no kind of guarantee or protection for you, try to learn more about the company. Otherwise it could happen that they pay you every six months, or they put deceptive clauses on you (for example, they pay you until you make two thousand dollars in sales). Finally, although it is quite common for many to use Amazon and other online alternatives, consider that you can offer this alternative to any business, make sure you negotiate well, they will surely accept it. The great advantage is that you do not have to start from scratch, the company will already have some experience in the market, a service or product that has already been proven, so you only have to offer it to potential customers.


Dropshipping is a popular topic but at the same time with too much ignorance, I am personally surprised that people say that the only way to make money is by investing in paid advertising (usually Facebook), and that’s when I understand that they are people who have never set foot in a factory, never been to a trade fair, wow, not even business talk. This model is simple, find a supplier (many use Shein), select the products you are interested in selling, collect all the necessary information such as photos, material, origin, and then resell the product to potential customers. You can directly enter the address of your customers so that the supplier can send the products to them. Now, a couple of tips, be honest above all, do not hide the origin of the product, do not exaggerate the characteristics of the product and do not abuse the final price. I have seen people doing dropshipping selling a product that cost 3 dollars in 120 dollars, I do not suggest you do that, even if you make a couple of sales, you will not generate a customer base in the long term.


In countries like Mexico, teaching is usually associated as a noble profession but with a very low salary, however, when you enhance it with electronic commerce you will realize that it is much more profitable than other professions that are traditionally considered well paid, such as being doctor or engineer. When doing online consulting, music classes, fitness, languages, mathematics, wow, I’ve even seen people teaching how to play a certain video game. Trust me, there is a market for everything, you just have to monetize the knowledge you already have now, and while it is true that paying for advertising would be a great way to get clients, it is not necessary when you are starting from scratch. Talk to people, be social, (read our Babylon model books), you have to start conversations with people you know and meet new people to find clients, you don’t need to invest anything at all, and there are plenty of free tools that will allow you to give advice online, For each class you can have enough students, who pay an accessible and fixed monthly fee.


Probably the most absurdly simple way to make money, but it will depend a lot on the country where you are, if you are in an area, city or country that has a lot of fairs, festivals or tourist attractions, you can cyclically organize trips to said destinations, in the Example of Mexico, it is extremely easy to organize trips to the Cervantino in Guanajuato, the San Marcos fair in Aguascalientes, Day of the Dead in Michoacán, Balloon Fair in León, Guanajuato, wow, you get the idea, the best publicity is precisely the event, many people want to travel constantly but are too disconnected from travel agencies, so if you offer them the invitation, make it accessible, they will agree, rent a bus, make reservations sounds like something very complicated, but it is not, without investing not a single penny, you can organize a very good trip, the profitability is high, the only problem is that you will need some social skills to be able to handle more than 40 people per bus. My advice, start organizing trips for friends, they will be more tolerant of your inexperience.

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Very similar to section number three, however, here, the lessons will be compressed to be distributed massively, either in video or book format, generally these products are infinitely cheaper than personalized advice, but the great advantage is the scale, since you can have a thousand sales in a single day, while the consultancies will be limited to the tools you are using. If you have time, I suggest you design a product, take your time to create a good product to eventually sell it. Now, you must understand that piracy could harm your sales, my suggestion is that you make recurring updates to reduce the damage caused by piracy, but understand that piracy is practically impossible to avoid, on the positive side, if customers are really satisfied with your products, I assure you that they will reward you, I know it is rare, but sometimes, piracy is the best advertising to have customers.


Obviously, you will spend on electricity, food, wow, your daily expenses, but definitely not the thousands of dollars that some people would have you think, or even that it is impossible without money, of course it is possible, but it will not be easy either. The real world is a jungle that today competes strongly for resources, even if you are trying to use these strategies, the real world will be ruthless, and you must take it seriously, you are making money, not baking cookies.

Remember, the goal is to take practical steps to protect yourself and your finances during a recession. By following these suggestions and being proactive in your financial decisions, you can enhance your financial resilience and improve your chances of weathering economic challenges successfully.




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